Thursday, January 21, 2010


Me+you+baking. A winning combination. Right?

Now, I am hardly a domestic goddess. I don't clean out the lint trap in the dryer after every use nor do I always wipe the dog's wet paws before he enters from a snowy romp in the backyard. I do, however, enjoy my time in the kitchen especially when the mixer is going and I have flour all over the place.

So why "Domestic Goddesse?"

1. My favorite movie of all time is "French Kiss." If you haven't seen it, go rent it. Or Netflix it. Whatever.

2. Nigella Lawson's "How to be a Domestic Goddess: Baking and the Art of Comfort Cooking." Need I say more? Though my last chocolate loaf didn't quite make it to picture-perfection, it still tasted amazing.

3. Maybe I'll have people to hold me accountable for the lint trap since I tattled.

Baking is like a therapy for me (even when my bread dough doesn't rise properly and I have the urge to throw the KitchenAid out the door. Just kidding, Dad.). And the best part is giving away the treats and loaves to friends and family.

And who knows? Maybe I'll even get around to baking some dog treats for the resident pooch, Cooper. That'd make for one happy pup. And they'd probably be healthier than all the unbaked crumbs he finds on the floor.